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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Dry Run

This morning I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30, which meant we needed to leave the house by 8:30ish to give ourselves plenty of time to get there in case the roads were bad. I woke up around 6:30 to do my usual bathroom trip and after laying back down and trying to go back to sleep for 15 minutes (my alarm was set for 7:30) I decided to get up and get ready and give myself extra time to get ready. Immediately after getting up I got some serious lower back pain. I have always gotten bad period cramps in my lower back and since lower back pain is a sign of labor, even though I was in pain, I was excited that maybe this would be the real deal. So I showered and that helped the pain go away a little bit but as soon as I got out, it started hurting again. So as I was blow drying my hair I decided I was probably crazy for doing this, but that we should pack up the car with the bags just in case I was for real going into labor. So I finished getting ready and packing up my makeup bag, hair stuff and the other things I use on a daily basis that can't be packed away and we were out the door. Unfortunately, my back pain went away while we were driving down and I knew that we would be coming back to Rexburg after we were done. Bummer. I have been getting contractions at night pretty regularly and throughout the day so I have been praying every day this girl will come early. I am just so done being pregnant!

The good news? I had my doctor check my progress today. I asked to be checked, even though they usually don't start asking if you want to be checked until 38 weeks (I am 37 1/2 weeks) and found out that even though I am only 1 cm dilated, I am 60% effaced. Dr. Baker was surprised that I was already that far progressed for being still 2 1/2 weeks away from my due date and so we tentatively planned for me to be induced on the 15th. I really want him to deliver our little girl because I feel so comfortable in his ability to deliver this baby healthily. I am hoping at my next appointment that I will show progress and be able to have this baby early, even if it is only by a few days.

So thats where I am right now. I will post a picture of my bump tomorrow!!


Jessi said...

Can't wait to hear more! I hope she comes quickly! I will be praying for you! All 3 of mine came early, so there is totally hope for that!

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